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14 november 2018

The latest project concerns my graduation-project

The key-feature of this project is creating a low-rise and high-density project. I did this through learning from Alexandra Road Estate by Neave Brown, designed in the 1960's and built in the seventies.

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page : work in progress - 7 june 2017

For the second master-project I made a design for repurposing a church in Utrecht.

For this design I had to come up with an analysis of the neighborhood and from there on I could repurpose the church. I combined housing with a sauna.


page : work in progress - 23 januari 2017

For the first master-project I designed a villa. The title of the studio was the 'Nobility of Making'. For this particular studio as group we had to analyze a villa by Dominique Perrault before starting the individual design. After a preliminary design phase we had to implement our ideas on a given Location near Maastricht.

I designed an integral Villa for a wealthy couple with children.


23 december 2014

Museum of Environmental Art in Rotterdam.

For the big project-assignment I had to design a museum for temporary art-exhibitions involved in 'environmental art'.

The design is an eye-catcher and oriƫntation-point for the museum-park.

It communicates with the public spaces, while adapting walking routes through the building.

The facade is a kind of mirror, so the surroundings are visible in the facade.









3 oktober 2014



The second assignment I had to do within the project-course at the TU/e, was to design a 'pavillion' for the Hombroich Insel site in Germany.

The design should not be higher than six meters.


 23 september 2014

The first assignment I had to do within the project-course at the TU/e, was to design an 'entrance'. It didn't matter what kind of entrance it was.


When you look at all the common buildings in the neighbourhood there are some buildings with an unclear entrance.


So I thought maybe it's possible to create a common entrance building for the ugly or not thoughtful designed buildings.

For example a square gym-building or boring elementary-school.



 7 april 2014

I've got to design a book-case for an uncle of mine. Hereby I show you the first impressions of the design.


 21 march 2014

This project contains re-used materials.

The parts for the chair are from a dismantled ceiling in a church in Soest, The Netherlands

I took the design-concept from the previous project: 'Rep-case'.

I wanted to create a stable chair, therefore I created a 'sledge'.

I used around the 20 meters of the wooden bars for the chair. The chair has a long seating surface an is a little higher than the usual dining chair.


16 march 2014

This project contains re-used materials.

The parts for the case are from a dismantled ceiling in a church in Soest, The Netherlands

The design idea is based on layers. Once I produced a layer from wooden parts I added another one, and so on. The case is split up in sections from 20 centimeters.

You're free in positioning the case, on the first image you can see that the white parts are vertical, but it's also interesting when you turn the case 90 degrees. 

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After Church